Vienna Volksoper’s revival thankfully retains the ‘historical’ setting, (ironically appropriate, with the TV success of ‘Vienna Blood’.) Also ironic, in the casting, light soprano Paula Nocker – fresh to the (Vienna) stage – is bursting with the cheekiness of her Eliza character. And the underlying physical attraction to the dour, but sexy Professor Higgins, (baritone Peter Lesiak), is like a laboratory experiment.
The problem with Volksoper’s production is the house rule: being the people’s opera, the text must be in German. (But surely the classic songs should be in English?)
The shock is, it’s all in German, even the world-famous hits. To retain the title ‘My Fair Lady‘ is misleading. You’re not just translating the vocabulary, changing COCKNEY, East-London slang, into Wienerisch, Vienna’s own slang; each has it’s own unique culture. And Shaw’s (play) is about class. Eliza needed more than a powder-job, but a cultural indoctrination, to pass Higgins’ ultimate test: to be accepted at the Ball.
Aside from the language barrier, the stage setting pastiche (Rolf Langenfass) is acceptable. The opening scene is Covent Garden, where social classes come together. Here they collide. The overbearing Mrs. Eynsford-Hill and son Freddy, along with Colonel Pickering- touting a taxi, bump into the flower-seller Eliza Doolittle. Eliza (Nocker) is front-of-stage, picking herself up, collecting her flowers. Professor Higgins sees all, hears all, boasts he can suss where they all come from. He dismisses Eliza, ‘with your slang, you’ll stay poor forever.’ But Higgins vows to Pickering, with his speech lessons, he could get Eliza ‘a proper job’. Peter Lesiak’s Higgins, authoritative, quirky in his mackintosh, is fiddling with his brolly. He and Pickering, the toffs, speak in high German (hoch Deutsch).
So in the classic, ‘Wouldn’t it be lovely’ (German version), Eliza sings of ‘No more freezing. Someone to lean on, and love. Wunderschön. Nocker is charming. But it’s a bit like a ‘Monty Python’ sketch. Funny for all the wrong reasons. Volksoper Orchestra under Charlotte Corderoy lacks PFZAZZ, Wunderschön, just drab, no sparkle. But Nocker’s Eliza speaks with a wiener dialect, and that’s charming.
The pub facade, with Alfred Doolittle and his cronies, looks as if it’s survived two world wars. ‘With a little bit of luck’ is the Frederick Loewe song, lyrics now in German (Alexander Steinbrecher and Hugo Wiener.) Anyway, sorry, the band sounds like the ‘Salvation Army’, Volksoper Orchestra unusually lacking finesse.
The Higgins’ drawing room (Langenfass) is suitably fossilized. Leather armchairs, and settee, gothic-looking, dark-oak staircase. ‘You picked her up like a pebble in the street?’ Eliza explains, she wants to speak more genteel (sic the English surtitles.) And she’s to work six months for £60 (?!)
The ‘Rain in Spain’ (stays mainly in the plain) – here in German- is part of her linguistic training. The number is a tour-de-force, irresistibly catchy. Volksoper’s program lists some ‘tongue-twisters’, like ‘If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews?’
Yet, of the show stoppers, the wonderfully exhilarating ‘I could have danced all night’, here is underwhelming. Nocker’s Eliza, a fine soprano, but here the voice (new to the role,) doesn’t project.
Meanwhile Higgins, who’s bet to make a respectable woman of her, is bribed by Eliza’s father (Karl Markovics), outstanding as the colourful cockney, (here Viennese). Eliza accompanies Henry’s mother -as part of her training- to Ascot races. As in the play, Eliza over-excited, loses it, and reverts to vulgar form. Hilarious!
One of the highlights (2nd Half) is ‘On the Street where you live’, sung by a clumsy buffoon in a blazer, making love to his brolly. Freddy, enraptured, follows Eliza, stalks her, singing outside Higgins’ house. Lionel von Lawrence’s tenor is a high-point, (but the staging, with his singing to a puppet, is silly.) Indoors, Lesiak’s Higgins in a rocking chair is taunted by Pickering: Is he losing his bet?
Nocker’s Eliza descends in a white chiffon gown, glamorous, but composed, to the ‘Street where you live’ refrain. Lawrence, mixed-race, is here, by implication, an outsider. He’s not yet invited in; they’re always meeting on the street. He’s awkward. ‘Stop talking’, she insists, in their hit duet, I don’t want a love poem. SHOW ME! The romance between Eliza and Lawrence’s Freddy, budding, but not yet blooming.
More rigorous elecution lessons. Off-stage, Eliza is presented to high society. Her initiation was a triumph. Higgins has won his bet, Pickering celebrates the success.
But Eliza has changed. She and Higgins argue. Eliza leaves Higgins. ‘What’s wrong?’- ‘He was the best for her.’- ‘Now it’s all over’ (Pickering). -She retorts, ‘if only it were!’ Where is she to go? What to do?’–‘You could marry? My mother (Mrs. Higgins) would find a match for you.’ Then, Higgins, Take all you want you want, except the jewels!- But she doesn’t want anything. She doesn’t even want his ring anymore!
Colonel Pickering phones the Constabulary: I want to report a missing person, Eliza Doolitle. -‘None of your business what she does here!’, he retorts.
In a brightly-lit summer house, Eliza visits Higgins’ mother (Marianne Nantwich). Eliza tells her, she’ll always be a flower seller to him. Then, an indication of Higgins’ violent temper, the abuser she’d suffered, Mrs. Higgins advises, ‘If Henry starts smashing the furniture, talk of the weather, and public health!’
She meets Freddy on the street again, he confessing his feelings for her. Walking, they meet Alfred who’s heartbroken, unexpectedly in the money through Higgins’ joke. He’s supposed to marry and live respectable! – ‘Don’t come back to me!’, he orders Eliza in broad wienerischdialect. ‘YOU’RE A LADY NOW AND WON’T GET A PENNY.‘
‘I’m gonna get married in the morning (Get me to the church on time)’ is performed with Alfred’s mates, in a choreographed cockney dance routine. The local girls, raunchy- some sex workers- explode in a terrific ensemble number.
Eliza confides in Higgins’ mother, and tells her, she’ll work as a teacher in phonetics. She’s more client-friendly, sympathetic than the ogre Higgins. And she once thought so highly of him!- The world will keep on turning without him, (she sings, ruefully.) He won’t torture her anymore. He and Pickering will grow old and unmarried. While Leziak sings poignantly, ‘I’ve grown accustomed to her face’,( Gewohnt an ihre Gesicht).
Shaw’s ending is bitter-sweet. Thoroughly modern Eliza, emancipated, won’t slave for him, be pushed-down in marriage. In Volksoper’s (‘feminist’) new reading, Eliza sweeps by on a bicycle, with Freddy on the frame. Auguring in the modern age.
But, keeping the English title ‘My Fair Lady’ is deceptive. Cockney into German doesn’t quite work. The humour’s different! The Viennese audience lapped it up anyway, clapping enthusiastically. © PR. 2.1.2025
Photos © Barbara Pállfy/ Volksoper Wien. Paula Nocker (Eliza), Markus Meyer (Higgins); Markus Meyer (Higgins); Karl Markovics (Alfred Doolitle). Featured Image: Paula Nocker (Eliza), Markus Meyer (Higgins), Lionel von Lawrence (Freddy), Marianne Nantwich (Mrs. Higggins), Regula Rosin (Mrs. Eynsford-Hill).